Here is the sampler I have been working on. I am loving cross stitching this quilt. Rosewood Manor's designs are all based on quilts. Yesterday while recouping from a flu bug I started and almost completed the Ghost Walk block. I love using the Weeks Dye Works floss. The variegation looks so pretty..almost gives it a Batik look.

Here is the stitching close up. Don't you just love the black work.
Introducing our newest kitten. This is Butterscotch. She came with a litter of kittens this summer outside. We were able to rescue three of them. The two boys went to Indy Humane Society which is a no kill shelter. PAAIN rescue group of Greensburg was so kind to transport them to indy humane for us. She was too hard to catch so we ended up working to gain her trust and adopting her. We have her in her own room right now so our other two kitties can get used to her scent. Our one cat, Pumpkin growled and hissed something terrible when we first tried to introduce her to the family. Pumpkin is her cousin or Aunt.
We went on vacation for our 16th wedding anniversary to Sault Ste.Marie , Michigan. We went to the Soo Locks to watch the Great Lakes Freighters lock up and down 21 feet to either Lake Superior or Lake Huron. We hadn't even in quite a while. Pam Jim's oldest sister ad my best friend came with us.
Here we are at our anniversary dinner. We had fish and chips. Delicious.
I took a panoramic of one of the ships. This was a 1000 footer.