Today the front room was quite sunny. So the kids were sunning themselves. Boy were they cute. So I decided to play with my camera. I think I got some good shots. I lobe the wsyn9
Jim got me somethin I have be wanting get for a while. Its AccuQuilt... Cutting up squares and such for quilting can be hard on my back I have a much easier way. It does all the cutting for me. Plus it was half off along with the dies. I got a dog and a cat one and a very large log cabin die. I can make 5"-12" squares. I can't wait to try it but I need a larger cutting board. I have several pattern books just for log cabins and they are very neat.
Look at the triangles and cats and fussy cut squares. Haven't tried the dog yet but will soon. I need to finish some round robin cross stitch for a group at The Stitchers Village.
Easter Sunday. I sure have gained wait. I've been walking on the treadmill a lot. You can see Jim has lost a whole size in his shirts. This is a new searsuckered shirt we got on Friday for him. I love it. I'm so proud of his dedication to exercise.
Pammy all Tuckered out sleeping with prayer shawl she made me a few years back. Its really nice to have so many loved ones.
I promised to show you something mom sent to me. Here is where its kept...a pretty box set by Susan Wignet
Mom was wanting to clear out some overflow of stamps and she saw on the package I mailed her a bit a go..the valentines ornament..that I covered it with stamps that I colored she asked if I could use more.....well of course I replied...and by the end of the week a cute parcel arrived loaded with these.....oh happy day;)
Since I was in my stamps I thought I would show you some of my favorites too...
St. Patty's Day
Valentines Day
Christmas and others
And Easter.

Would you all please pray for me...I have a nasty sinus infection that has drained into my lungs some. I get pnuemonia easily because of the immuno suppressant drug I take plus I have a phrenic nerve injury that collapsed half of my right lung from complications of a thymectomy surgery I had back in 2005. I also have asthma. I have to admit I get scared when I'm sick with lung issues. To tell you the truth I'm afraid of dying and leaving my sweet husband who adores me along with the rest of my family behind. I know where I'm going when I die...heaven because Jesus paid for my sins on the cross and I asked him to be my Lord and Savior a long time ago. I struggle so much with my health. If you saw me on the street you'd see a smiling bouncy joyful person because I try to look for the good in all things..and Jesus gives me this ability. I try to not burden others with my health problems ..however my deepest struggle is fear of losing the battle. Am I the only one out there that feels this way? I want to have peace and live each day to the fullest..but that isn't always easy. Guess I need a little cheering up.
Years ago I took care of a man who got polio in his early 20s. He became a quaripeligic..his wife left him..and he has had huge obstacles to overcome yet he was the most positive uplifting man I ever met. Shortly after that home health job I started getting sick with the MS/TM. When I had a hard day I would remember Richard and I would fight back working harder to get better.
As a Christian I know I should be able to have peace...Paul had an affliction and he asked God to remove it but God said "My grace is sufficient"
I know without this hardship I wouldn't be nearly as close to God and in many ways its been a blessing. God has used me to minister to the hospital staff and doctors.
If any of you have been in a spot like this and have any suggestion on how you were helped please leave a comment below. Thanks so much for your friendship.
Sarah Beth