Mom sent me the cutest pattern to embroider the other day. We are both doing this project together. Its called the Gratitude Quilt. I'm going to hand embroider these first but I also have a machine that let's me machine embroider. Mom likes to machine embroider and sew. I grew up always hearing the sewing machine whirring. I had the cutest handmade clothes. She taught me to sew and to cross stitch. I had the cutest toy sewing machine when I was younger. Grandma and I would make clothes for my dollies. Then as I got older mom found a really nice Pfaff sewing machine for me. I learned to make a quilt and also make clothes. The only drawback was when I goofed something up it would make a really irritating noise. After a bit I got frustrated. I'm sure she thought I didn't like to sew but in reality I just hated that noise. Lol. Later on after I married she bought me a janome and I loved sewing on it. No noise on that one and I haven't stopped sewing since. Mom is what I often call a Versace sewer. She can sew anything just by thinking it up or seeing it somewhere. Her work is flawless. And I'm always telling her she should be a designer. She would do well. But of course she reminds me its not as fun if you have to meet deadlines all the time. So true. When I was in Jr. High she did get to design and sew for a high end ladies clothing store. She made these women's heads appliqued by machine using a satin stitch outline with jewelry and makeup along with some of their blouses so it looked like a cameo shot sometimes forward or side view. It was really cool. I even had one at one time.
I haven't started yet as I have a lot on the back burner but soon I will start it. Thanks mom.
Here is my dsil Pam ..she came to keep me company while Jim was away on business for a week. We had lots of fun.
Here is Lila all snuggled up on her bed with one of my sweatshirts on her to keep her warm.
Here is a project I've been working on. Its a needlepoint sampler. I'm enjoying it very much.
Silk ribbon stitches.
I bought this cute plush rose for Valentine's Day for Pam.
This is Dawn Rogers the owner of A Stitch Above Needlepoint where I'm learning how to needlepoint. She is very nice and her store is amazing so many fibers.
I bought this pattern. I lover laura Perins designs.
This is also one of hers. I have it too. Its gorgeous I can't wait to stitch it.
Here is an ornament I got from how for February. I love it.
Here you can see my Valentine's gifts from Jim. Three Ott lites. JoAnns was have a big sale for presidents weekend. This $300 lamp was $99 plus an additional 20% off for mMilitary discount. Everything else was 70% off with military discount.m
Dont you love these fabrics. I plan to use them for the backing of the ornaments I like to stitch.

Here is my big Ott lite. I told dsil Pam about the sale and she bought one too.
Some beautiful boxes designed by Susan Winget. They use the scripture from Isaiah I will rise on the wings of an eagle...run and not grow weary. my
friend at the needlepoint store. She is doing a beautiful job on it.h
And look at this beautiful bargello piece.
This I won on bingo at the stitching village. Isn't it pretty.
Next post. I will have more stitching to show. Blessed Stitching all