
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Lila gets a sofa bed.

 Pam, Jim, and I went to Christmas tree shoppes and look what we found. Lila tested it out. As you can see it met with her approval. She laid down and next thing I knew I heard several "AWE's". She stole everyone's heart. She is adorable after all. Well Lila approved and mommy couldn't resist and neither could daddy or auntie.
 Lila loves to be covered up when she is sleeping. Aren't these two cute together.
 Pam and I are stitching together in the family room. She is working on plastic canvas kit. Its a watering can with flowers.
 And look there she has the largest part done. Good job Pam.
 Lila is laying on top of Jim and beside mel in bed..silly doggie.:)

This is my ornament I bought several years ago to make for Jim. He is a pro drummer. 

Lila's newest sweater. She is such a doll.


  1. Looks like you are both busy stitching and Lila is adorable.

  2. Aw, kisses to Lila! Love that little watering can plastic canvas. That drum is so cute to!

  3. Lovely stitching Sarah Beth. Me thinks your spoiling Lila. lol We spoil ours too.

